10 biggest mistakes women over 40 make

10 Biggest Mistakes Women Over 40 make –

1. Waiting too long to admit you are in Perimenopasue because you think you are too young for that… Perimenopause is 4-12 years before menopause and you’ve been told that you can’t really do anything about it.  Just struggle and suffer…

NOT TRUE!  There is so much you can do to make a difference in what this time of life looks like for you. You have many options on how to treat symptoms and even better, get to the root causes of your hormone imbalances.

2. Not mitigating stress in your life or lying to yourself about actually being in survival mode (Yeah, me too BTW).  It can mess with your thyroid, and a lot with your adrenals and therefore many other body systems. 

There are thyroid receptors on every cell of your body.  It is IMPORTANT (Vit D receptors are the same).  Your adrenals are responsible for taking over the job of producing estrogen when you go into menopause, so they need to be healthy and wealthy in order to serve you well for the next 40 years.

3. Thinking you are “just getting old” and ignoring when things are shifting – just some constipation… hmm a little acid reflux… I am so emotional lately…achy joints for no reason… my period is heavier than normal… or at a weird time…gained some weight suddenly and its not going away with my normal tactics…  

4. Not moving your bodyhowever you want… walking, yoga, swim, pilates, cross fit, jazzzercize, zumba, work out at home on an app, peloton… whatever makes you feel good and moves your bum bum.  Just don’t do nothing… (yep using a double negative there).

5. Too much sugar and not enough protein.  Also translated as – too many foods that overactivate and imbalance glucose/insulin and not enough amino acids for building and repair. That means yours bones, skin, muscle tissue and brain.

6. Lack of fun and pleasure – use it or lose it. – What sparks your soul and makes you smile? – your hormones respond to fun and pleasure.  Not just pleasure in the bedroom, though that is very important, but also pleasure in life.

Where are all the places you can find pleasure?  Maybe the feel of a soft towel on your skin after a shower (I take 30 seconds longer drying off  to enjoy it too),  enjoy the feel of the sun on your skin, petting a pet, looking out into the distance, holding the hand of your love.  Endless ways to experience pleasure.

7. How do you talk to yourself?  Healthy self talk is essential to creating an environment for yourself where you get to grow and flourish and be the best version of yourself possible. How much grace, patience and love do you treat your self with?  It really does make a difference.  What if you talked to yourself like you talk to your best friend when she is struggling?

8. Working to be Ultra Supermom/Woman  – stop it – you are more valuable than just that.  I know it can feel good to wear that “badge of honor” of busyness and super productive from today’s society, but at what cost?  What if it is also quietly dismantling your true well being and your relationships… Nope.  That is NOT in anyone’s best interest.

9. Eating like a bird instead of a human.  Birds eat all day long from sunrise to sunset.  As humans, we have an ability to burn fat as fuel and don’t need to eat multiple times our weight in food to sustain us.

If you’ve never tried three meals a day, it’s a good place to start. If you’re an elite athlete in perimenopause, then there’s a whole bunch of different stuff you get to be doing to fuel your body and your passion.

10. Being mostly in the Future/Past – staying out of the current moment by having thoughts that spend most of the time ruminating on the past or projecting to the future. It robs you of the current presentness and joy of the moment. The effect it has on your nervous system to not emotionally anchor you into the present and strips you of the opportunity to really feel and enjoy.

Be aware of the moment. Breath it in. The warmth of the sun on your skin, the smell of the air. It can rewire your nervous system and increase oxytocin and decrease cortisol.  Moment by moment.

There is more where this came from!  Join our Powereful Perimenopause community!