Ready to feel the love in script with a brown haired woman in the back ground sitting down

Oxytocin..why you need it and how to get it!


Known as the love hormone…Oxytocin is a hormone and does some seriously life altering things. Oxytocin is a feel good hormone and has far reaching benefits for perimenopause health and well being. It’s a mood booster and body changer! Here we go. 

The mainframe of our emotions and also the processor of happiness, acts on other hormones, general health, adapting and mitigating stress, body growth, structural and emotional healing, reproduction. 

Let’s LOOK AT THe EFFECTS OF OXYTOCIN on how we feel and act:

Oxytocin is a feel good hormone! Yeah!  It cancels our “fight or flight” response and helps flush cortisol from our system. 

Optimal levels are linked to feeling calm and expanding our capacity to deal with stress.

It’s also a bonding hormone, in all relationships.  It keeps us wanting to be close to our people. With children, pets, and friends, it increases feelings of protectiveness.  It increases the feeling of connection, openness and trust, and social confidence when we are out in the world. 

Orgasm produces high amounts of Oxytocin and that keeps us feeling close, intimate, supported and feeling monogamous. 

Hugs produce that too as does chatting and petting our pets. 

How does oxytocin work in our body?

When given the signal from the brain, it binds to oxytocin receptors in the body, influencing how we feel and behave toward others. It is responsible for many aspects of social bonding and sexual pleasure.

It influences the autonomic nervous system and the immune system. Oxytocin also has similarities to endorphins (opiate chemicals) because we produce more in order to soothe ourselves in response to sources of pain and stress

It has an effect on the “hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis” (also called the HPA axis), which dictates release of many hormones

It has anti-inflammatory and even antioxidant effects, since it defends the body against trauma, illness and stress-induced damage

Oxytocin helps regulate blood pressure levels and balances cortisol levels.

Now that we’ve got the science part down, let’s take a look at what makes oxytocin so freakin’ awesome. 

Here are some benefits of the “love” hormone: 

Studies show that oxytocin stimulates social behaviors, connection, bonding, and positive and calm feelings of well-being. 

You will get oxytocin hits, even by just anticipating or planning social fun, dates or get togethers.

It also perpetuates itself by a  “positive feedback loop.” translation → It makes us want to socialize even more! 

Oxytocin may stave off weight gain and keep you younger

In studies, it was shown that higher oxytocin release is linked with protection against accelerated signs of aging and better regeneration of stem cells.

Additionally, it can possibly reduce inflammation in muscles and joints pain with it’s anti-inflammatory effects. 

Higher circulating levels are also seem to be associated with better lean mass and bone mineral density (also why you feel better). 

Practical actions to boost your OXYTOCIN 

Touch – hugs, cuddles, massages, petting your pet, making love, being affectionate and intimate

Exercise – most of it, movement, dancing, bouncing on your exercise ball (safely), yoga, swimming, walking, you get the drift!?

Laughing!! Not to mention that laughing for 10 min is like exercising for 30 min!

Listening to music (not news), singing, playing music and or an instrument. 

Self care –  journaling, gratitude, taking my supplements, saunas 

Making eye contact with anyone, but especially those you love

Telling your friends, spouse, partner, kids and family that you love them.

Doing activities together like cooking, cleaning and sharing meals.

Petting and caring for a dog, cat, or other fur friend or reptile

Giving and receiving gifts (especially if it is your love language!).