Create your Sleep Sanctuary in Perimenopause

Create your Sleep Sanctuary in Perimenopause

Create your Sleep Sanctuary in Perimenopause


Hi beautiful!

Longest day of the year is right around the corner!  The sunset is after 8:30 pm where I am right now, and it is still light outisde at 9pm.  So, how has your sleep been lately? 

What’s your sleeping environment like? Does it support you having the best night sleep possible? Do you have a bedtime routine for you (not just for kids)? What about you and the one you share a bed with, have you had an explorative conversation about bedtime routines?

There are many options to improve your sleep and create your sleep sanctuary in perimenopause.  Here are 10. 

10 quick tips for sleeping better in perimenopause:

  1. Make rules for what you do in your bedroom – 3 S’s = Sleep, Sexy time, Self care
  2. Set the mood for bed – Dim lighting, below eye level after sunset.
  3. Dark room for sleep- no extra lights – cover all little lights. Blackout curtains are awesome.  
  4. Bedtime Routine –  establish a routine – they are just a series of habits, choose relaxing, nourishing ones that tell your mind and body it’s time to sleep.
  5. Cool room temperature – 65F (best for hormone balance!).  Now if you live where it’s hot, get reasonably comfortable temp in summer.  If you live where it’s cold, keep it above 50F.
  6. Make your bedroom feel spa or hotel like, except…
  7. No TV in the bedroom or falling asleep in front of the TV.  It is just a habit. Create a new one! 🎉
  8. Screens off 2 hours before bed &/or wear Blue blocker glasses.  Also use a blue light filter on your phone and computer. I use this one.
  9. Scent – make sure it smells good, use those essential oils! 
  10. Have a plan if you wake up in the middle of the night with a racing mind or heart. Prepare, don’t panic. 

Do you want to know the Perimenopause Secrets and how to feel really good in the 4 -14 years before menopause? YES PLEASE!


Want to read more about mistakes to avoid in perimenopause? READ THIS BLOG